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Epoche - Art Déco

The term Art Déco refers to a style movement between 1920 and 1940 and is derived from Arts Décoratifs (French for decorative arts) - in reference to a Paris exhibition from 1925, which bore the name "Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes".

The style is also characterized in jewelry design by a bold choice of colors and proximity to geometry. Thus, geometric shapes linked together to form patterns are often used - but also floral, two-dimensional and striking ornaments. The lavish variety of Art Deco was interpreted by some as a counter-reaction to the enforced privations during the First World War. Fine Art Deco jewelry is often filigreed in platinum - such as the outstanding bar brooch shown in the image.

Art Deco Jewelry: Precious treasures from bygone days

The era of Art Deco was a time of cultural and artistic revolution that took place from the 1920s to the 1930s. The art movement was present in many fields, from architecture and design to fashion and jewelry. The jewelry from this period was innovative, glamorous and luxurious, showing a combination of modern and traditional styles.

The design of jewelry from the Art Deco era was characterized by clean lines, geometric shapes and strong contrasts. The use of gemstones and metals was typical, although other materials such as coral, jade and enamel were also frequently used. Jewelry was often made in the style of cocochnik, bangles, pendants, and earrings, and was usually made of platinum or gold.

A characteristic feature of Art Deco jewelry was the geometric patterns. Diamonds and other gemstones were often arranged in a pattern resembling a beehive. The use of black onyx, jade and emeralds was also popular. The use of colored stones was an important trend, especially in the creation of colorful jewelry.

Another important feature of jewelry from the Art Deco era was the use of semi-precious stones and enamel. These materials were often used as accents, adding an extra touch of luxury to the jewelry. Jewelry was often combined with gemstones and pearls to create a dramatic effect.

Die Schmuckstücke aus der Art Deco-Epoche waren oft von den Schönheitsidealen der Zeit beeinflusst. Die elegante, glamouröse und stilvolle Mode wurde durch den Art Dèco Schmuck ergänzt, um ein vollständiges Outfit zu kreieren. Die damalige Gesellschaft schätzte Schmuck als Zeichen von Reichtum und Stil, was dazu führte, dass Schmuckstücke in allen sozialen Schichten präsent waren.

Einige der bekanntesten Schmuckdesigner der Art Déco Epoche waren Cartier, Boucheron und Van Cleef & Arpels. Diese Unternehmen waren bekannt für ihre innovativen Designs und ihre Verwendung von wertvollen Materialien. Art Déco Schmuck hat bis heute seinen Einfluss behalten und wird von Schmuckliebhabern auf der ganzen Welt geschätzt.

Insgesamt hat Art Dèco Schmuck einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Geschichte des Schmucks geleistet. Die Verwendung von klaren Linien, geometrischen Formen und starken Kontrasten hat bis heute in der Schmuckindustrie einen Einfluss. Die Epoche hat eine künstlerische Bewegung inspiriert, die bis heute weiterlebt und immer wieder neue Generationen von Designern beeinflusst.