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Charity auction - Slava Ukraini cock Published on 05.07.2022
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Since the beginning of the war, the whole of Ukraine has been under constant missile attacks, bombardment and shelling.

In the Kyiv suburb of Borondyanka, one of countless civilian building complexes was bombed and almost completely destroyed in March. Almost nothing remained of the building, except for an interior wall with only a kitchenette still hanging from it.

Within hours the picture of this kitchenette went around the whole Ukraine - because on the kitchenette there was a typical Ukrainian ceramic work from the 60-70s: A rooster.

A ceramic tap from which you can pour wine, juice or milk. These ceramic works were made by a clay-firing master from a suburb of Kyiv and are known all over Ukraine.

Under hail of bombs and explosion the rooster defies and remains steady. He screams. He shakes up. He protects. He resists any aggressor.

Immediately after the story of the roosters went around the world, they became a symbol of the Ukrainian Residence and the courage of Ukrainian women. President Zelensky and Prime Minister Boris Johnson were also given such ceramic roosters by the Ukrainian people.

As a sign of German-Ukrainian friendship, Alwin Maigler has purchased such a ceramic rooster in Ukraine. Many weeks anxious whether the rooster will arrive in time for the exhibition. Whether it will arrive at all. Whether it will arrive complete and in tact.

But now it stands here. Magnificent and in tact.

Together with the auction house EPPLI this rooster will be auctioned during the exhibition. The entire proceeds will go to the aid organization STELP.

With the kind support of artist Nicole Doth (dont be afraid of art), the Ukrainian Rooster is now enthroned on one of her mirrored column works. In the context of this exhibition, the Mirrored Column is meant to inspire one's own reflection. Where am I standing right now? Where am I in life? Could I, too, be one of the stories portrayed in this exhibition?

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