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Juweler Eppli

The Stuttgart institution for exclusive jewels, jewelry and watches

Jeweler Eppli is the Stuttgart institution for exclusive jewels, jewelry and watches. Hubertus Drabarczyk vel Grabarczyk, managing director of the jewelry division selects the best pieces from the in-house auctions with the greatest expertise, passion and excellent sense of style and value. Thus, Juwelier Eppli offers you the essence of the top pieces from the entire Eppli assortment. This, of course, at the best conditions and with the usual professional service. This is a decisive advantage from which you can only profit.


Jeweler Eppli is happy to offer you a tailor-made, individual and very personal service for the most beautiful occasions in life 'Äì be it the perfect engagement or wedding ring, a very personal gift for special occasions such as birth, baptism, anniversary and birthday. We are also happy to carry individual wedding lists. Together we will find the perfect piece of jewelry for you to enjoy for years to come.

Host Mr. Drabarczyk in the jewelry store


Eppli goldsmith studio

Jewelry is a highly individual and very personal topic. Often, it is cherished heirlooms that one wants to preserve and with which one associates very personal memories. Often, however, you can no longer wear them in their original form, nor do you want to. Therefore, you are welcome to contact us without obligation regarding reworkings, new designs or special productions the affiliated goldsmith master workshop will gladly fulfill any wish, no matter how unusual, with the utmost care, individuality and expertise. Thus, they breathe new life into cherished treasures and enjoy them anew every day.


We are also happy to advise you regarding your private collection with our decades of knowledge of the market as well as best and trustful contacts to dealers, collectors and institutions. Together with you we build up your personal collection, curate or expand the already existing collection. Of course, after a detailed preliminary discussion in order to perfectly match new acquisitions to your interests.

Of course we also advise you regarding Insurance appraisals, archiving, safe and professional storage in our Safe Lounge and thus offer you an all-round service tailored to your needs. Whether high-value jewels, precious stones, rarities, curiosities or rare watches 'Äì trust our first-class expertise and discreet service.


Enthusiasts, collectors and asset managers have appreciated and used our extensive expertise in investment diamonds, precious metals, jewelry and watches for years to preserve and enhance values. Of course, we advise you on this discreetly, individually and with the highest level of expertise, if desired, also privately and in peace at your home or office.


If you nevertheless wish to part with your treasures, we will buy them at the best conditions or gladly take them in trade for your new piece of jewelry or your new watch.


Hubertus Drabarczyk vel Grabarczyk and his team look forward to welcoming you personally and without obligation in the store in Bärenstraße. We are at your disposal for small and big concerns with words and deeds. You are also welcome to take the opportunity spontaneously, without obligation and at any time, to be inspired during a stroll through the city. We are looking forward to your visit!

Mr. Drabarczyk giving advice in the jewelry store

Your host

Hubertus Drabarczyk vel Grbarczyk

Managing Director Eppli Jewelers, Gemmologist and Diamond Appraiser E.G./F.G.G., Professional Member DGemG, Idar Oberstein, European Gemmologist (FEEG)


Bärenstr. 5, 70173 Stuttgart
Tues. - Sat. 10:00 - 18:00 hrs.

+49 (0)711 997 008 500
+49 (0)163 4824384 (+WhatsApp)

Everlasting beauty: immerse yourself in our world of exclusive jewelry.

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