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Folk book 'A beautiful history of the horned Siegfried the Second -

Item number: 1114037

Folk book 'A beautiful history of the horned Siegfried the Second - This is a well-deserved chastisement of a manuscript, which the so-called Evangelical Church of Moravian Unity let go out through its worthy rector Albinus Sincerus, to the illuminating Siegfried and home-lighting Alb. Sincerus instead of a lantern honoured by Him who judges according to Proverbs. Sal. XXVI, 5.' by Samuel Gotthold Lange, Brunswick and Leipzig 1747, binding damaged, with stains and tears, signs of age and wear.

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About the product

Folk book 'A beautiful history of the horned Siegfried the Second - This is a well-deserved chastisement of a manuscript, which the so-called Evangelical Church of Moravian Unity let go out through its worthy rector Albinus Sincerus, to the illuminating Siegfried and home-lighting Alb. Sincerus instead of a lantern honoured by Him who judges according to Proverbs. Sal. XXVI, 5.' by Samuel Gotthold Lange, Brunswick and Leipzig 1747, binding damaged, with stains and tears, signs of age and wear.

Books and postcards
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